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![]() Species: saiya-jin
Planet of Origin: Vegeta-sei Height: 6'6" Born: 737 A.D. Family: father-Bardock, mother-?, elder brother-Radditz, wife-Chichi, sons-Gohan & Goten Primary attacks: kamehameha, kaiou-ken, genki dama Highest level of transformation: super saiya-jin 3 Goku is a sweet-natured, pure-hearted warrior with an almost child-like innocence. After the end of the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai, Goku flew off with his bride-to-be Chichi and little was heard from the new couple for five years. It wasn't until a reunion party at Kame House that his friends learned of his son, Son Gohan. After being introduced to his true heritage by his elder brother Radditz, Goku tried rejecting his past, still proclaiming himself to be a Chikyuu-jin. Sometime during his trip to Namek, Goku accepted the truth calling himself a Chikyuu raised saiya-jin. Vegeta's dying plea, Frieza's pride at having destroyed his people, and the encouragement he received from his long-dead father and the saiya-jin no Ou gave the gentle warrior respect and a sense of loss for his people. Throughout their battles, Goku never seems to change much, though he does gain a certain wiser perspective as he gets older. (Of course, he acts like a kid when he's around Vegeta. And Vegeta does the same.) With his heart as his guide, Goku is always willing to sacrifice everything for his friends and loved ones. He always manages to come out on top with the help of his friends. |
![]() Piccolo: Piccolo is the offspring of Piccolo Diamau. Namekians are unisexual (no male or female, they're all just "one type") so Piccolo wasn't exactly 'born', but rather he was spit out and hatched. While his "father" was pure evil, Piccolo was actually a very prideful being who simply hated Goku for killing his predicessor. Because he was born to kill Goku, that was simply what he did. He appeared near the end of Dragonball, but plays a very large role throughout all of Z. Unlike most of the fighters from Dragonball, he actually managed to keep up with the Saiyans and their sky-rocketing power levels during Z, and takes part in all the major battles until the ned of the series. While on planet Namek during the Freezer saga, Piccolo merges with another namekian Naeru (or Nail/Nale), to increase his power level. This merging was more like an obsorbing of another person, rather then taking both beings and combining them into one. Piccolo took on Naeru's powers as well as his memories. Further into the Z series, and Piccolo ends up re-combining with Kami in order to become a 'super namekian' and reach a higher level of potential in his fighting strength. By this point, it's almost completely forgotten that he was once considered a 'villian' in the series. Gohan and Piccolo are very close since it was Piccolo who trained Gohan towards the beginning of the series. Gohan respects Piccolo and considers him a friend, and in a way, a family member. Goku respects him for his strength and honor. Kuririn is just scared of him ^_^ |
![]() Vegita
Prince of the Saiyajins! -The Saiyan Race- He has an incredably strong pride, and feels that since he is the one of pure blood, and he should be the most powerful in the universe and should be the only one capable of becoming a legendary super saiyan. He starts out as a villian, but ends up developing into the most complex character in the entire series. His father, his world, and all of his people were destroyed by Freezer - yet while knowing this, he still served under Freezer, and did his bidding. This was because he was smart. He realized that he wasn't powerful enough to defeat Freezer - yet - but that with each battle he grew stronger. He planned to one day defeat freezer, but it wasn't meant to be. In fact, it was Freezer who ended up killing Vegita (however Veggie was later brought back by a wish made with the DBs). Vegita deluded himself into believe that he had infact become a super saiyan, but soon realized that he hadn't excelled that level yet. He was brought back to life just long enough to sense Goku's SSJ power level, but was then sent to earth by another wish. The thought that he had been surpassed in power by a such a low level saiyan infuriated him and pushed him to train and push himself beyond all his limits. He trains at Capsule Corp, and he trains in space. Eventually, while training on a distant asteroid he becomes so desperatly angry with himself for not being able to go SSJ, that he actually goes SSJ! He returned to Earth afterwards, and to Bulma. They have a son and Bulma names him Trunks. At first Vegita doesn't want anything to do with the child and he sort of ignors Bulma to go off and train some more. But during the Cell Games, Vegita gets to know the older Trunks (the one that comes back in time from the future) and Trunks from the future gets a chance to know his father more. This results mostly from the fact that the two of them get stuck together in the room of Spirit and Time for a year. Vegita ends up spending more time with Bulma when it's all over - and in fact, he ends up living with her and Trunks for the following 8 years. He raises Trunks and as a result, the present time-line Trunks has much more of an attitude then his future self did. At a later point in the series, Vegita lets himself be charmed by the magician Babi-Dee in order to surpass the level of Super Saiyan 2 so that he could fight against Goku on an equal standing. He defeats Goku, and then sacrifices himself to save the world (unfortunetly it doesn't work, and he still ends up dead). The scene where he says goodbye to Trunks is really touching. It shows how much he had evloved as an individual and as a father. He was about to die to save everyone else - and here he was saying goodbye to his son. Very cool scene. |
![]() Gohan: The first son of Goku and Chichi, Gohan is an extreamly large player, especially in the mid-to-later half of the Z series. After Goku is killed for the first time (while killing Raditz at the beginning of Z) Gohan is taken by Piccolo to train in preperation for the arrival of the Saiyans, Vegita and Nappa. He's really young at this point, and since Chichi has pampered him so much, he's a bit of a weeny. However his hidden potential is huge and Piccolo sees it. He gains a lot of experience during the battles on Planet Namek while he was with Kuririn, and begins to feel more confident about himself. However he never really feels that fighting is his strong point. In preparation for the Cell Games, Goku takes Gohan into the room of Spirit and Time up on Kami's lookout and they train together for 1 year (during the time span on 1 day to the outside world). During this Goku realizes that Gohan has surpassed him in power and capabilities. The thing is that Gohan hasn't realized it yet. Goku quits in the middle of the fight with Cell and tells Gohan to take over. Everyone is shocked. During the fight Gohan goes Super Saiyan level two, and eventually destroys Cell (but not until after his father is killed by Cell's Self Destruction feature) After the Cell games end and peace is once again restored to the world Gohan stops his training and returns to his studies. It's over 7 years before he starts to fight again, and by that point, most all the other saiyans had surpassed him. However!! Even later then this, Gohan is taken to Kai oh Shin's homeworld to train with the legendary Z sword. As a result of a small accident Gohan has (he breaks the sword! Dah! Kao oh shin freaks out!) Dai Kai oh Shin is Released! And he releases Gohan's full hidden potention (in exchange for a promised peak at Bulma's breasts) - making him more powerful in his normal standing form, then in Super Saiyan form (which is why you don't see older Gohan go Super Saiyan very often - he doesn't need to) |